What makes Hyderabad Rocker team stand out from just being called another page in the forest of blogs?
Ever wondered how the prediction of few people turn true and ever wondered how few people speak about the upcoming issues even before the major news papers and NGO's spoke about it?
Well its all in the veins of us! The HydRocker team has made itself here only for the reason of exposing the truth and the problems that are being faced and that can be faced by the common man. The Agenda of the HydRocker team is Common man. Thus HydRocker has stood as an example for rest of the social blogs.
Your favorite Blog HydRocker team has comeup with the issue of rising food prices and the inflation of it and how is it effecting the common man in the following post
as early as 14-Jan-2010. But the Govt seems to have woke up for the day only after there were protests from the common man.

Even the major news papers like The Hindu and The Times of India and the major News channels like NDTV and TIMES NOW and HEADLINES TODAY came up with discussions only after the committee had a discussion.
The Govt should act smart and fast to bring down the prices at the earliest. There are words and actions planned but they are all limited to the paper.
The common man is more important than the GDP growth of 9%. The common farmer's living is more important than attending a dinner with delegates.
The common man's family is more for the development of the country than the Sensex.