This August -15 -2015, Indians celebrated 69th Independence day. However, the biggest news is that we have a Prime Minister, whose action of plan and whose action of care looks to start from the ground level. Many of the educated like me, you were very happy to hear from Prime Minister Narendra Modi talk about Swachh Bharath( Clean India) from prestigious Red Fort location on 68th Independence day. I was thrilled.
He just didn't talk about it but he asked everyone of us to take up this as an individual mission. That is awesome, Prime Minister, sir!
Being brought up in a family where my mother is a school teacher, my aunts being science teachers and my uncles being Ph.D and many of them having returned from foreign lands for the love of their home, I was fortunate enough to know the importance of cleanliness not just as a phrase but as activity in our daily routine. Apart from this, living in an apartment for a long time, we have a systematic way of household waste disposal.
Swaachh Bharath is a critical mission for we Indians. It is to be executed with a long haul in mind and should not be criticized for political reasons.
Apart from Swaachh Bharath, I feel very bad about the non-availability of washrooms for men and women in particular in public areas. I have seen their problems for a long time. Thanks to the food chains like Dominos, KFC, McD, and others they are providing washrooms to their customers these days. Sometimes they are serving common people like us.
Millions of rupees are spent everyday by the Govt, there is not a proper public washroom for women in Hyderabad around TankBund, Necklace road, Mint compound, Telugutalli flyover region, the most visited places in Hyderabad.
Look at the below Google Map. It shows the only available public toilet in the Hi-Tech city region.
Areas marked in Red are all the IT parks - Ascendas, Raheja, VBIT, TCS, Accenture, Oracle, Infosys, Microsoft, TechMahindra, Wipro etc.
I travel by AC TSRTC bus everyday from ECIL to Hi-Tech city and then to Raheja mindspace where my office is. One day, I was so much in need of a washroom and I could not find a single one. It was 9 AM in the morning and none of the restaurants and food chains were open. So, I cannot use their services. I being a man, I thought i can use any of the waste land but that is HI-TECH city, surrounded by cyber-towers, shilparaman and other IT parks like Raheja park, Ascendas park and other commerical establishments, there is no more waste land available. As an add on to this huge pressure inside me, we all know about the slow moving traffic from Cyber towers to Raheja park, I had to wait for another 20 mins to answer my natures call.
Look at the Hussain-sagar, Necklace road, Prasadz IMAX, Somajiguda, Khairtabad Circel, RajBhavan road, Mint Compound areas.
If being a man I face this many issues, imagine about the women who visit Hi-Tech city everyday with a hope of finding a job they do not even have an office address like me where they can easily swipe their ID card and go. We are putting our women to shame. I have seen this negligence from generations, even when we had a woman Prime Minister long back in 1979 and a woman President in 2007 to 2012. This negligence is still there even when we have so many chief ministers now who are woman.
It is time to wake up and take care of our women. ఆడవాà°°ి ఆత్à°®ాà°ిà°®ాà°¨ాà°¨్à°¨ి à°•ాà°ªాà°¡ాà°²్à°¸ిà°¨ à°¬ాà°§్యతా à°•ేవలం à°ª్à°°à°§ాà°¨ à°®ంà°¤్à°°ి à°¦ి à°®ాà°¤్à°°à°®ె à°•ాà°¦ు à°°ాà°·్à°Ÿ్à°° à°¨ాయకుà°²ు మరిà°¯ు à°°ాà°·్à°Ÿ్à°° à°ª్à°°à°ుà°¤్à°µాలది à°•ుà°¡ా . à°µాà°°ిà°•ి à°®ీà°²్à°•ొà°²్పవలసిà°¨ à°¬ాà°§్యతా పవుà°°ుà°²ిà°—ా మనది.
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