Beware:: Swiftkey might be leaking private information out to everyone

SwiftKey is most popular among many of us on almost all mobile devices. Be it Android or iOS or Windows, this app which was bought by Microsoft has been in there for giving personalized word suggestions based on our activity and SwiftKey's machine learning alogorithm. Swiftkey also allows you to sync your keyboard word suggestions to other devices when you migrate.

However, there seems to be a bug in the system and one of the Reddit user has reported having German word suggestions and email id's that he has never used in his entire life on his SwiftKey. All that SwiftKey installation that he had for his rooted Samsung S6 was English UK. See the images below of his SwiftKey settings.

So be cautious and see if there you are facing an issue. This same news was first reported on Telegraph.
Image credits to

PokemonGO : New Version : More realistic HoloLens view

PokemonGo has become the biggest hit ever in the mobile gaming world and has overtaken snapchat in downloads count. But few people like me have not played it and few have left it for its 2D views.

A person called David Robustelli, a VirtualReality developer has developed a VR version of PokemonGo for Hololens. This version is super simple to use and play. A tap of a fingure places the pokemonGo.

Here is the video of that

Brexit? So what exactly is it?

We have recently witnessed Brits voting to get out of EU that they joined in 1973. There was no referendum when Britain along with Denmark and Iceland joined EU.

The recent referendum has made it clear that Brits want to get out of EU and they see that staying with EU is effecting their cost of living, their jobs etc.

Brexit, short for Britain + exit as coined by the guys following the situation, has shown a huge impact on Britain economy and world economy. Pound, the official money for UK before Euro, has plunged to 31 years low. Markets worldwide have tumbled by more than 10% and now are slowly recovering.

So, what exactly is Brexit? These awesome guys have summed it up in a simple video. Watch it here.

Mocha-Chai Unit testing Nodejs Applications : Part 2

Many out there believe that unit testing is time consuming and hilariously funny to talk about. When I started out my career as a software Engineer/ Systems Engineer, I disliked my manager when he asked me about the status of my unit test cases. I clearly had a disliking for that. However, 8 years into developing products for large clients ranging from Banking to automotive, I strongly believe that a developer's good healthy sleep lays in good and healthy unit test cases.

So over the coming days, I am making screencasts on writing unit test cases in Node.js using Mocha and Chai. Mocha and Chai are 2 wonderful unit test frameworks for Node.js. Mocha is a JavaScript library for organising our code for both serverside as well as client side JavaScript code. Chai.js is a rich with many assertions for validating our code. Both Mocha and Chai support TDD and BDD style of unit testing.

Here is the Part 2 of the our unit testing nodejs with Mocha and Chai