Number 300 from Hyderabad Rocker.

Feels great, feels good, the feeling awesome and its wonderful experiencing the same. So many feelings and in one moment. That's what you have given us. We have heard you and we have put them on the world wide Web and you have read it and appreciated the content. You had faith in our wiritngs and you have entrusted us the duty to represent you, your thoughts and your voice on the World Wide Web.

Right now, we celebrate the responsibility and the trust you have shown on us. Through this 300th post, we, the Hyderabad Rocker team, would like to thank each one of you. HYDRokr team would like to appreciate each other.

It all started on 30-May-2009 and in 1278 days, we have made 300 posts, which discussed the heart of the common man of India.

Thank you soooooooooooo much. We promise to continue to deliver and stand by your trust. The future is OUR's and it is WE, on our OWN have to decide the right path. Lets make it a better tomorrow together.

- Hyderabad Rocker team.

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